Diablo 4 Gold – How to Change Class in Diablo 4

Gold is an essential resource in Diablo 4 that allows players to purchase superior equipment or boost the effectiveness of their existing gear. It’s also used to mend items, though this process is more expensive than in previous games in the series.

The easiest way to farm gold is by repeatedly running dungeons that give a good mix of gear, XP, and gold. Another method is to activate Greed Shrines, which temporarily increase enemy gold drops.


As you progress through diablo 4 gold, you’ll discover more gems and be given the chance to socket them into your weapon, armor, and jewelry. Gems provide a variety of useful buffs and can drastically increase your damage and resistance.

The Topaz gem provides players with an increase to their basic skill damage, while the Sapphire gem blasts enemies with icy cold damage and crowd control abilities. Players can also find the Emerald gem, which offers a balance of both damage and resistance.

Players should aim to level their character as quickly as possible. They can do this by playing on Veteran difficulty, which increases the rate at which they gain experience and gold from killing monsters. In addition, it will also increase the damage of the enemy mobs that players kill.

The game’s currency, Gold, is a valuable resource for buying equipment and items. Players can also use Gold to mend their gear, which becomes increasingly important as the game progresses and they confront more formidable foes. Having enough Gold can also be helpful for completing difficult challenges, like the Cathedral of Light Capstone Dungeon in Act III. Players can also use Gold to purchase cosmetic looks for their character, a feature called Transmogrification. The system allows players to select a specific look that will be applied to all of their equipped gear.


Elixirs are consumable items that can be crafted at the Alchemist, and they provide a range of buffs for both your character’s attributes and skills. At the time of writing, the game has only one type of elixir (though more are expected to be added with future updates), but it’s important to remember that these can be a valuable addition to your toolkit.

Like other ARPGs, Diablo 4 features a number of different currencies and materials that all serve a variety of purposes. Gold, the most common of these, is used to purchase superior equipment and enhance its effectiveness. It’s also necessary for mending items, a crucial step in tackling progressively harder foes and bosses.

As you level up, you’ll find a lot of gear that your character can’t use or even open. Instead of selling it for a quick payday, be sure to salvage it for crafting materials and elixirs. This will keep your inventory clean and stocked with items you can actually use.

Another way to quickly increase your gold supply is by completing quests. In addition to the XP rewards, most quests reward a good amount of gold. In particular, the main quests typically offer bigger paychecks than their side counterparts.


In a game like Diablo 4 that boasts the fast-paced action of the previous installments in the series, it’s important to have plenty of gold on hand to make your way through the world. Gold can be used to buy potions, scrolls, and even gear. In addition to this, players can also use it to mend their weapons and armor.

As in past installments in the series, items can degrade over time and lose their durability points. This is especially true if your character dies a lot, and it’s crucial that you keep enough gold on hand to repair your gear as needed.

You can do this by visiting a blacksmith, who can salvage your equipment for crafting materials and repair your broken gear. However, this will cost you some of your gold. In fact, repairing an item costs 10% of its total Durability, and the price increases as your gear level rises.

Besides mending your gear, you can also spend your gold on enchantment services, equipment upgrades, or rerolling stats on Legendary Items. This is an excellent way to make your character more powerful and improve his or her odds of surviving against the demonic hellspawn. This is a great way to maximize your chances of making it through the game as quickly as possible and getting your hands on some sweet loot along the way.

Armor Upgrades

As you continue to play through the game, you’ll need to keep an eye on your gear. Weapons, armor, amulets, and rings can all be upgraded to provide better stats and a unique look. This can be done at the Blacksmith using gold and materials. Upgrading equipment is an important way to improve your character, as it helps you overcome the toughest opponents.

However, it’s best to save upgrading your gear until later in the game. At this point, you’ll likely find better items in the dungeons and it doesn’t make sense to spend a lot of money on mediocre upgrades.

Another way to upgrade your gear is by visiting the Jeweler and purchasing Strong gems to put into the empty sockets of weapons and armor. These gems can provide huge boosts to combat and defensive abilities. They also cost a decent amount of gold and resources to purchase, but can be worth the investment.

Respeccing your character in Diablo 4 is also an important use of gold, as it allows you to reset your skill tree and all Ranks. This can be helpful if you’re trying out different builds or want to experience the game as a new class.